Become an engaged virtual team.

Because talents that identify with the team stay on board and bring in new ideas.

How much does engagement loss cost you?

What is the lack of engagement costing my company per year ?
Markus Fischer
How can I attract new talents and decrease employee turnover ?
Nadine Boulot
What becomes possible if I have a fully engaged virtual team?
Lucas Claes

Solve your problems with the

Engagement Space

Proven methodology

Unique combination of daily team tasks for continuous development and 4 workshops for intense work with the team.

Customized for virtual teams

Backed up through intense research in the scientific field of "Virtual Group Dynamics" at the NMMU and practical work in and with remote teams.

Hands-on training

The Engagement Space is not for groups that want to listen to presentations and theories. But for teams that want to get active and build a fully engaged team.

100 % online

People have to form a team in the space they work in. Thus, all activities and workshops are 100 % online and accessible from any timezone .

What we are going to do

Short Daily Activities

Continuously work on your team with daily short tasks. Bond, reflect, have fun. Test out new cooperation and communication methods.

4 Live Workshops

Your team gets active in 4 team building workshops facilitated by the head-trainer of RemoteDynamic. Each workshop takes 30 to 120 minutes.


Get to know different virtual co-working techniques. Choose what works best for you! Get instant feedback and benefit from social facilitation.


What defined the best team you ever worked with? The 30-day challenge gives your team space and time to socialize.

4 Live Workshops

Team Assesssment

What is missing in our team ?

  • What is holding your team back from being great ?
  • Team assessment based on the validated analysis instrument by Patrick Lencioni.
  • Find action steps for immediate changes.
  • Time: 60 to 120 minutes

Building Trust

Only a team that trusts each other is successful.

  • Who is in my team ? And why do my colleagues react like they do?
  • Building the base for open discussions. Reflect on your own and colleague's behaviour.
  • Time: 60 to 120 minutes

Company Culture

How do we want to work with whom on what ?

  • How does your hidden company culture look like ?
  • Enable identification with your team, product, company.
  • Create a unified set of rules for communication, tools, standards.
  • Time: 60 to 120 minutes

Final Workshop

Reflection and future changes.

  • What did change ?
  • What do we still have to work on ?
  • Envisioning the future of our team, product, company.
  • Time: 30 to 60 minutes

Check out this example for a 12-week EGGS on our Trello board.

Higher productivity

Increase morale

Decrease employee turnover

Spend time on results instead of hassles and fires

Benefits of the Engagement Space


Imagine what can be possible with a fully engaged team!

1. Step: We contact you for a short call to get to know you and your team.
2. Step: your customized engagement space starts.
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